i have 18 dollars less to pay!! YEA!! ^^
Thanks to:
Henry yeung
jason kuo
mrs wen
josh chong
pastor chong

4.5 designs completed so far <edit>… technically now i have 5.5 designs…im running out of ideas…XD i guess i have till the counsel meeting…oct 14th…-_-“<end>
12 prayers to do this week
1 hour of prasing everyday

wat a great week ^^


  1. ‚—‚ˆ‚‚”@‚‚’‚…@‚™‚‚•@‚‚‚™‚‰‚Ž‚‡@‚†‚‚’H@‚‚ˆ‚‚ˆDD‚‚Ž‚—‚™‚ˆ‚DD‚Œ‚•‚–@‚tI

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