look at me
tae yang
big bang

new song ๐Ÿ˜€

last wednesday…wassss
oro? what was it XD
uhh…something happened? i dont know anymore XDDD
uh…volunteer was pretty good XD
oh yea i broke the new to emily that i was going to hc XD
she got all excited and stuff XD
it was so funny XDD

i guess school is okay everday XD
i dont quite remember what happened this day either XD
hmm…something must have happened…

was a good day like always ๐Ÿ˜€
nick came over ๐Ÿ˜€
played around
church ๐Ÿ˜€
justice mission videos
XD it was a tie between caleb and i for president
until someone changed their vote…
and thus president is…..
me… XD
calebs secretary
yay greg got what he wanted XD
fun stuff

9 15 ish woke up to give caleb money for pictures he didnt want to buy
watched cartoons till 10 10 then walked to wait for jessica
walked to 99 to get breakfast ๐Ÿ˜€
meet henry at JJ XD
testing henry was funn XDDD
left for home
1 45 school for orch 2 pics
stayed untill like 3 so take buddy pix for chris…XD
shopping with sandy pauline bob for hc….
not a fun experience…
well it was XD
macy’s and jcpenny
in case you guys want to know…its black
dinner at johnny rockets
wandering around
sandy wouldnt let me walk home…..

haha this is our youth leader, Henry Yeung
UCSB retreatt

taught sundayschool with a sore throat
lunch :DD favorite time of the dayy
violin choir
praise team practice
home to show christine my dress…
sent caleb to hollys house XD
carls for snak XD
jessica’s house for treeehouse
but christine and i slept instead XD
cgs for church but found out they were doing …classes instead…forgot the name…it’ll come..
bak to christines house planned on going to jin sushi…
joy got fever…so went home

school…wasnt good…
i felt like shishido….heat within my body…
but i dont get to unleash it T_T
the only time i felt good was outside walking to my classes…..

Henry again XDD
after watching indiana 4
then dinner with lena jesus shirley ๐Ÿ˜€

school was better
but still felt like shishido
in orchestra it was violins and violas ๐Ÿ˜€
yay we got tto play :DD
after school dress shopping wtih amy and celelia ๐Ÿ˜€
so funnnn west covina mall was nice ๐Ÿ˜€
nap? hw

found this one day in the youth room XD

school was better ๐Ÿ˜€
realized i have a calc test thursday T_T
japanese arndt sensei wouldnt take my hw.. T_T
orch was boring cause we didnt play T_T
so i decided to go to the bathroom
take some of my shishido heat out
lunch was fun ๐Ÿ˜€ DI meeting :DDD
but theres conflicts on jeff/caleb/patrick/ray team….
eng was fun ๐Ÿ˜€
TA was fun ๐Ÿ˜€
/rurouni kenshin ๐Ÿ˜€ im so happy cause its helps me escape ๐Ÿ˜€

morning calc test
japanese was fine…quiz today XD
fysics was okay…
orch was boring again but i know what to draw this time ๐Ÿ˜€
lunch was fun jpop revolution club XD
eng was fun jasper and sam’s stories were sad T_T
ta was fun i finished quick and took a nap ๐Ÿ˜€
๐Ÿ˜€ epi 65 next yayyyy
homework/help friends
time to sleeepppp

i guess i have to upload them someday… XD

you figure it out


right now there are only two things on my mind….
1] why …why
whyy….im being so selfish…this was a dream come true i have to admit, but
its bouncin bak and forth from dream to nightmare…im really not sure what to
like how im there if you need me and gone if you dont
i know im
jealous…..and i try not to be cause i know ur probably not happy with me…ur
happiness comes from someone else, it never came from me inthe first place…so
i figured i have to go through this…theres no backing out now…and
i hope everything settles after.
2] oh goodness why are there so much
complications within something so simpleeeee you guys, this can be easy if you
guys make it easy. get out of ur comfort zone and make new friends. let yourself
out!! thats waht its about anyways. unleash ur ulitmate power or else its not
going to work out for your team in and out….i loved itt he way it was last
year, but i know its not going to work out for the rest of you, and im just
being selfish….thats why so much thought is going into this…but you guys
have to help me…please…i want everyone to be happy…
and all my friends,
im sorryy, i’ll make this the best for our last cause i want to make this a good
experience for you guys

T_T so much stuffffffffffff
this is all im going to think about during school T_T


welll today was a swell day wasnt it?

what happened wednesday? XD i totally forgottt…
oh yeaa XDDDDd
we had this giant talk about how josh thought everyone hated him
XD after we read michelles xanga post
slept late becuase of it XD

off to……where?
caleb had sectionals again like always…
i…what did i do? XD
i think it was a normal day?

fridayy FINALLYYY ๐Ÿ˜€
went to phoenix with bob and clan XD
friday was good :DD
after school went home
found out that we were going out for pho for din ๐Ÿ˜€
yayyyy and we saw ruby auntie on tv XD
daniels house to help him destroy his harddrive
XD fun times ๐Ÿ˜€
went to church late
church ended early
bonded for one last time
final goodbyes to michelle T_T
josh chongs house for games
home around 1:30am
like always

hugo reid – donations XDDD
home for rest
holly – donations, wash and dry cars
alfred went to both ๐Ÿ˜€ yayyyy
sorry alfred we didnt wash ur car well
stayed home
bummed out a bitt…
slept early ๐Ÿ˜€

taught sunday school XD
there was a new teacher watching me teach T_T
henry wasnt there…and michelle and alfred were gone T_T
church was kinda boring without them
so it was just me and mommy T_T
the rest of the yeung family wasnt thereeeeee
after that the violin choir thing….i forgot my viola XD
auntie fanny’s choir practice
i took a nap in the corner XD
tried to sleep but couldnt T_T

japanese test it was okayy….which probably means i did bad T_T
went home and caught up on RUROUNI KENSHN :DD
im on like episode 35 now ๐Ÿ˜€


oh God this whole week has been so hectic…i seriously am so confused right now…i have no idea whats going on in my mind…or here in the world….i dont know anymore..i feel like just going off…out of my normal life…and wander around for a bit…until i’ve settled my mind of some things…i was so sure…but now its so different..i dont know if its me or not…i just…its going back and forth and i want it to stop…im positive that i can do something to ease my thoughts…but i guess im just afraid…fear…of what….i dont know….why did i bring this upon myself T_T how did it get SO COMPLICATEDDDDD GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

when i was little i heard that if you kept walking down fairview, away from school, you’ll reach the beach…so dont come looking for me, i’ll come back when its time

you’ve meet my friends before right?

here they are if you dont remember them XDD

they’re my korean friends
and they love to wear matching outfits, like they’re a group or something
haha XD

oh yea i forgot to mention, they LOVEE singing
like seriuosly LOVEEE LOVEE singing XD

but they’re awesome friends ๐Ÿ˜€

this is their song titled “Oh My Friend”
big bang, no brain, once again


went home
nick came over
went to EE to get hairwax and
cues for lollipops ๐Ÿ˜€
off to church for “promotion”
ice cream
which was awesome
but i hope i remember everything Q_Q

woke up round 10 for cartoons XD
3 30 henry’s house
council meeting
went home to get okane to go to…
ajisen ramen with EPICenter…
or council + josh chong + greg – henry
then home again for paking
over at josh’s house
games on greg’s PS3
sleep in piano room with michelle
no “pillow talk”
“shhh…i dont think they’re talking anymore”

woke up round 9 45
paked up
went to church late XDD
taught sunday school
went to park to film
bak to church to get stuff…and decide where to go next
our house to clean up
afred left
got internet on mom’s EFC laptop
all went on computers XD
caleb left to hollys house
played round
computered more
dinner/caleb came bak
finished dinner
9 michelle and greg left
found josh on my IM
started college essay with josh
josh left round 10
finished esasy round 12? i dont know…..
josh edited
bob told me scary story…..
slept late T_T

lunch – helped christine with mandarin hw XD
i can still read mandarin h00ray
EE for ็ง‘ๅญธ้บต
went home to drop off book and get earphones
bak to school
studied with sophia for calc test
josh called to pic up stuff
caleb got mad
crashed in room
came down
finished lab and started fysics hw

calc test at 6 57 am
lunch went off with maggie ka rose
EE for ็ง‘ๅญธ้บต, ่Œถ่‘‰่›‹๏ผŒmeganใ€€ใฎใ€€ใŠใซใŽใ‚Š
went home to drop off book and get earphones
bak to schooll
crashed till 7
ate? and homework
here i am ๐Ÿ˜€

i loved my weekend ๐Ÿ˜€

tralalal im not as tired as i used to be during junior year ๐Ÿ˜€ yayy thats a good thing…. auditions today…i did okay XD but LAWL oh welps it doesnt matter where i sit anymore XD 2nd or 3rd stand, or else i owe daniel boba XD …maybe its just me…or im like a bakup friend…i dont know..this is how i feel…if there are no friends around, they come find me…but if there are…im just oro? i dont know…maybe its just me…cause i dont like going into groups…or something…ah well
its all good

litokaratigurl (5:54:59 PM):away message: why dont you tell me a story?

sayan altair (5:54:58 PM):tell me a story too

whoisthephu (6:08:17 PM): ok!
whoisthephu (6:08:19 PM): once upon a time
whoisthephu (6:08:22 PM): there lived a man
litokaratigurl (6:08:28 PM): and then?
whoisthephu (6:08:28 PM): and this man
whoisthephu (6:08:32 PM): fell asleep
whoisthephu (6:08:34 PM): and had a dream
whoisthephu (6:08:39 PM): about this man
whoisthephu (6:08:43 PM): who had a dream about this boy
whoisthephu (6:08:49 PM): and this boy
whoisthephu (6:08:51 PM): was named bob
whoisthephu (6:08:57 PM): and he did not build things
whoisthephu (6:09:02 PM): because he was still in school
whoisthephu (6:09:06 PM): so one day
whoisthephu (6:09:15 PM): bob met this girl named joy
whoisthephu (6:09:29 PM): joy had long hair back then
whoisthephu (6:09:43 PM): then soon after
whoisthephu (6:09:45 PM): bob and joy
whoisthephu (6:09:47 PM): met peter pan
litokaratigurl (6:09:57 PM): and then?
whoisthephu (6:10:06 PM): and then
whoisthephu (6:10:11 PM): bob, joy, and peter pan
whoisthephu (6:10:14 PM): became best friends
whoisthephu (6:10:27 PM): they became the infamous trio of the world
whoisthephu (6:10:32 PM): and were feared by many
whoisthephu (6:11:01 PM): peter pan and bob would terrorize the lives of little children
whoisthephu (6:11:18 PM): but joy, the purest of the three, gave them candy and played with them
whoisthephu (6:11:38 PM): finally
whoisthephu (6:11:40 PM): a day came
whoisthephu (6:11:43 PM): where the trio had to be split
litokaratigurl (6:12:12 PM): OH NO
litokaratigurl (6:12:15 PM): what happened after that?
whoisthephu (6:12:50 PM): well
whoisthephu (6:12:51 PM): soon after that
whoisthephu (6:12:59 PM): bob and joy met again
whoisthephu (6:13:11 PM): and this time
whoisthephu (6:13:17 PM): they met a new gangster of the world
whoisthephu (6:13:21 PM): named bajajajajajajajaja
litokaratigurl (6:13:25 PM): whoaaa
litokaratigurl (6:13:29 PM): what a namee
whoisthephu (6:13:36 PM): anyone who missed a ja
whoisthephu (6:13:39 PM): or added an extra one
whoisthephu (6:13:43 PM): would take a rifle to the head
whoisthephu (6:13:46 PM): or a saber in the stomach
litokaratigurl (6:13:50 PM): whoaaaaa
whoisthephu (6:13:57 PM): she was the most evil of the three
litokaratigurl (6:14:30 PM): oh noo
whoisthephu (6:14:33 PM): as the days went on
whoisthephu (6:14:49 PM): a new evil showed itself in the form of the dictator of the class
whoisthephu (6:15:12 PM): his zealots called him
whoisthephu (6:15:16 PM): Comrade Devor
litokaratigurl (6:15:20 PM): GASPPPP
whoisthephu (6:15:25 PM): he was
whoisthephu (6:15:35 PM): too powerful for divya
whoisthephu (6:15:38 PM): too evil for bob
whoisthephu (6:15:44 PM): but he could not defeat joy
whoisthephu (6:16:13 PM): his glares and frowns could not even intimidate joy
litokaratigurl (6:16:17 PM): WHAT?!
litokaratigurl (6:16:19 PM): NO WAYYY
whoisthephu (6:16:20 PM): she did not know fear
litokaratigurl (6:16:34 PM): thats not possiblleee???!??@?@?@%
whoisthephu (6:17:19 PM): many thought it was impossible to defeat this evil dictator
whoisthephu (6:17:46 PM): but joy, standing alone, defeated all of his tests one by one
whoisthephu (6:17:51 PM): until one day
whoisthephu (6:17:53 PM): a rival appeared
whoisthephu (6:17:56 PM): who was named
whoisthephu (6:17:58 PM): drew of the mountains
litokaratigurl (6:18:07 PM): oh noess
litokaratigurl (6:18:10 PM): what happens?
whoisthephu (6:18:28 PM): joy and drew were both brave warriors who fought the dictator
whoisthephu (6:18:32 PM): but drew had a bad habit
whoisthephu (6:18:45 PM): sometimes he would arrive late to battles
whoisthephu (6:18:55 PM): and be silenced by devor’s glare
whoisthephu (6:19:23 PM): im running out of bs
whoisthephu (6:19:24 PM): XD
whoisthephu (6:19:26 PM): uhh
litokaratigurl (6:19:37 PM): hahah XD
litokaratigurl (6:19:59 PM): you can always go this man woke up from his dream
litokaratigurl (6:19:59 PM): XD
whoisthephu (6:20:11 PM): ooh
whoisthephu (6:20:16 PM): then
whoisthephu (6:20:24 PM): time passed
whoisthephu (6:20:32 PM): and as the new trio became older
whoisthephu (6:20:35 PM): it was once again
whoisthephu (6:20:38 PM): time for them to depart
litokaratigurl (6:20:45 PM): oh noes T_T
litokaratigurl (6:20:48 PM): and thenn>
litokaratigurl (6:20:51 PM): ?
whoisthephu (6:21:05 PM): then
whoisthephu (6:21:17 PM): as bob and joy said their final goodbyes
whoisthephu (6:21:21 PM): the man who was dreaming of the boy
whoisthephu (6:21:23 PM): woke up
whoisthephu (6:21:36 PM): which woke the man who was dreaming of the man who was dreaming of the boy up
whoisthephu (6:21:39 PM): and he was like
whoisthephu (6:21:40 PM): wtf mate
whoisthephu (6:21:41 PM): was that me?
whoisthephu (6:21:48 PM): and he went back to sleep

kaYtsekI (8:17:59 PM): so, a traveler. let’s name him K
kaYtsekI (8:18:17 PM): He was driving his car when it started to rain, hard
kaYtsekI (8:18:27 PM): and soon, it turned into a thunderstorm
kaYtsekI (8:18:43 PM): conviniently, there was an inn not far from the highway
kaYtsekI (8:18:53 PM): so he payed for a night’s stay
kaYtsekI (8:19:30 PM): in the middle of the night, K hears wailing and scratching sounds from the room next door
kaYtsekI (8:19:42 PM): HOWEVER, there is NO room next door
kaYtsekI (8:20:02 PM): a painting hangs on the place where a door is supposed to be
kaYtsekI (8:20:09 PM): K was curious
kaYtsekI (8:20:20 PM): so he asked the manager
kaYtsekI (8:20:31 PM): about it, but manager doesn’t know either
kaYtsekI (8:20:47 PM): so they decided to see what’s under the painting
kaYtsekI (8:20:51 PM): it was a sealed door
kaYtsekI (8:21:07 PM): (anyone listening?)
litokaratigurl (8:28:14 PM): yes
litokaratigurl (8:28:17 PM): i am XD
litokaratigurl (8:28:21 PM): keep going soryyyy
kaYtsekI (8:28:21 PM): after 10 min
kaYtsekI (8:28:23 PM): D:<
litokaratigurl (8:28:31 PM): SORRYYYY
kaYtsekI (8:28:33 PM): so they broke in.
kaYtsekI (8:28:37 PM): and SUDDENLY
kaYtsekI (8:28:41 PM): THERE WAS A GUSH OF WIND
kaYtsekI (8:28:51 PM): and accompanying it
kaYtsekI (8:28:57 PM): was a child’s laughter
kaYtsekI (8:29:00 PM): then, it was gone
kaYtsekI (8:29:08 PM): and when they looked into the dark room
kaYtsekI (8:29:10 PM): they saw….
kaYtsekI (8:29:44 PM): THE WALLS WERE COVERED WITH BLOODY SCRATCHES, and what’s even weirder
kaYtsekI (8:29:58 PM): the scratches only cover half of the wall
kaYtsekI (8:30:12 PM): it just stopped at a curtain height
kaYtsekI (8:30:29 PM): and at one corner, there was a curled-up skeleton of a child

klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:30 PM): one day
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:34 PM): there was this really cute girl name
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:39 PM): :]
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:40 PM): and
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:45 PM): she was walking around at school
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:50 PM): when her friend kristy
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:51 PM): went
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:53 PM): JOY BOY!!!!!!!!!!
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:56 PM): i MISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS you
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:57 PM): :[
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:58 PM): and
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:17:00 PM): they were both sad
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:17:02 PM): the end :[

fnjshen (11:26:43 PM): this is a recording that will self destruct in 5 minutes
fnjshen (11:26:47 PM): oh, okay.
fnjshen (11:26:57 PM): once upon a time, there was a girl named Happy! 
fnjshen (11:27:02 PM): she really loved to go to church
fnjshen (11:27:10 PM): adn she didn’t care which church she went to
fnjshen (11:27:20 PM): so she decided to go to CGS on Sundays, and EpiCenter on Fridays
fnjshen (11:27:22 PM): she was so happy
fnjshen (11:27:30 PM): her life was filled with the love of Christ
fnjshen (11:27:42 PM): and she chose to Love and Follow Christ, where ever He went
fnjshen (11:27:45 PM): and that was that
fnjshen (11:28:00 PM): plus, it made her neighbor Franktastic, uber happy!
fnjshen (11:28:02 PM): the end!

NumAArkyteck (6:17:21 PM):Once upon a time, there was a mango, it was a happy mango until it
 got eating. The End.

NumAArkyteck (10:54:19 PM):Next
story, A man was walking down a hill when he came upon a
lepurcan. The
Lepurcan offered him some gold so the man accepted it. With the gold
coin, the man went
to the market and bought a mango. And then he ate
it. The end.

BobaCookies (7:54:24 PM): one day
litokaratigurl (7:54:25 PM): why dont  you tell me a story?
BobaCookies (7:54:27 PM): there was a boy named moses
BobaCookies (7:54:32 PM): he was a dancer
BobaCookies (7:54:37 PM): and he plays the violin
BobaCookies (7:54:42 PM): but suddenly
BobaCookies (7:54:45 PM): his violin blew up!
BobaCookies (7:54:47 PM): OH NOEZ
BobaCookies (7:54:57 PM): xDDDDDD
BobaCookies (7:55:18 PM): Kablloooie
BobaCookies (7:55:23 PM): Then Moses Died
litokaratigurl (7:55:24 PM): AHAH XDD
BobaCookies (7:55:25 PM): The End

HAHA fun stuff ๐Ÿ˜€
good job josh

new song


called kiss goodbye by josh wen XD
jkingg its wang lee hom

still good ๐Ÿ˜€

welllll today was a pretty awesome day XD
even though it was the beginning of the school week

period 1 AP calc
….went over homework for like 45 minutes…
and she left us like 10 minutes for notes and stuff
for tonights homework T_T

period 2 japanese 2
daily grade
got bob in trouble
did work while watching bob wipe windows

period 3 AP fysics
got quiz bak…he gave me a 3.5/4…cause the answer
i wrote wasnt right…but it still wasnt in the answer box….
i still got the right answerr….
homework in class

period 4 orchestra
played one piece
practice for auditions
josh alf michelle walked into class

went to find caleb
went to alf’s house
ate soba (which was really good, guys :D)
while talking
gave josh mom’s dumplings
planned how to get caleb bak
with seaweed green onions dumplings
rushed bak to school

period 5 myth to scifi
made it with one minute to spare XD

period 6 TA for mandarin 4

josh calls right after the bell rings
walk around looking for caleb
find out that they put the caleb’s present outside D3
walk around for caleb more
find out caleb’s practicing
go see caleb’s present which is in the trash can
find caleb
get ignored by caleb
to michelles house

stop by bin bin
for $2 drinks ๐Ÿ˜€
sit there for about half an hour
to michelles house

sit and chat for a bit
josh starts to work on wireless for michelle
alf and joy watchin tv
josh gets tired and sleeps in gregs room
joy starts homework
michelle and alf watch tv/ fight over popo
josh wakes up and joins tv watching but not fighting over popo
joy watches tv while doing homework
around 5 30? not sure…clean up
go home

and then? XD uh…
talk to wes and others XDD
help out with other people’s homework…
here i am XD

today was a fun filled day ๐Ÿ˜€ ไปŠๆ—ฅใฏๆฅฝใ—ใ‹ใฃใŸใงใ™ใ€‚

tralalal continued from last time

sooo after we went so sandy’s house to make costumes megan started paniking
cause her registration didnt go through…
which explains why she wasnt on the cabin list T_T
it gets solved really quickly thanks to mr. Failing and tiff ๐Ÿ˜€
soo first day of music camp
we unpak in our cabins ๐Ÿ˜€
here are my cabin mates – me
i think i was either at the elementary school performing or i got bak and was doing stuff XDD

they’re so kyutee XDDD
from the top row left
megan   sandy   pauline dana
leana   elaine   amy   venus   melanie   jessica   michelle
<333 to themm all ๐Ÿ˜€
megan sandy pauline + me = SENIORS W00TTT!!~
venus dana = JUNIORS ๐Ÿ˜€
elaine leana amy = SOPHMORESSS
melanie jessica michelle = FRESHMENN :DD
i love themm ๐Ÿ˜€

first day was awesome XD

second day…..was the first day of practice
then games XDDD
what funn :DD
i had two bowls of ice cream T___T XDD
still good
take what you want give nothing bak ๐Ÿ˜€

third day of music camp
we dressed them up as disney characters XD
i still have the list  of who was who XDD
mickey = jessica ๐Ÿ˜€
minnie = melanie
donald = me XD
daisy = michelle
goofy = sandy
clarabelle = elaine
pluto = amy
horace = pauline
huey dewey louey = dana leana venus
walt disney = megan
:DD that was so much funnn
we planned ahead for who wanted to be whoo ๐Ÿ˜€
our cabin is so tighttttt
then breakfast and then practicee
that night wasss…..SKIT NIGHT ๐Ÿ˜€

fourth day
lunch – i meet the kid of the guy who runs the camp XDD his name is bowden with sister lucy.
he’s five and lucy’s two or three XDD bowden just started kindergarden XD he’s so kyutee XD and so is his sisterr
games XD
XD so much bonding
shaked so many peoples hands T_T
i kept forgeting what my name wasss
and casey called me caleb, so i called him holly XDD
a lot of people went HEYY ur calebs sister XDD

fifth day
went to elementary school
played for the kids thereee
there were like 80 kids? i dont know but its a school from K – 8th grade
they have to ride the bus to the high schooll…buspass = $600
we saw bowden at school XD
and i asked him later if he saw us and like our performance and he did XDD
came bak to camp
then home XD

packed in 30 minues
greg picked us up
off to henry’s house
arrive at UCSB
found out that i was rooming with mom so i got a bit sad
went out to a burrito place for lunch
came bak
workshop 1…i forgot who it was…Dr. Wang
i totally forgot waht it was bout….
message from pastor Lui
DUDE that pastor is awesome :DD
but i kept falling asleep during his messages T_T
went out to shop for groceries and other stuff for the skit *coughcheesecough*
practiced our “everything” skit
roomed with michelle XDD and we moved beds
and created our coat hanger system that turned off our lights ๐Ÿ˜€

sunday service…
i kept falling asleep again t__T
group photo?? XDD
we went to eat lunch with pastor Lui
where we meet him officially XD
and he told us about how he got into the ministry
HENRYS worshop XDD
i didnt fall asleep XDD “D
we stayed after to do “inclass practice exercises”
XDD fun stuff
then freetime which is always volleyball, bball, football
message pastor Lui changed it because we asked him how he got into the ministry
 XDD fun stuff
talent showw
we did the lifehouse everything skit ๐Ÿ˜€
yayy success for us ๐Ÿ˜€
then JAMM session with pastor LUI
from 11 pm to 1 am XD
from then shower and then alf and josh came
and we talked and “pillow talked”
XDD untill 4am
pillow talk some more with michelle will 4 30 and then sleepp

missed devotion again XDD
message from pastor Lui
he decided to ROCK THE HOUSE before his message XD
didnt fall asleep :Dd
closing service
went home XD
got ready for school

first day of schoollll

second day of school XDD

new song :DD
called haru haru
from big bangg

haru haru – BIG BANG