litokaratigurl (5:54:59 PM):away message: why dont you tell me a story?

sayan altair (5:54:58 PM):tell me a story too

whoisthephu (6:08:17 PM): ok!
whoisthephu (6:08:19 PM): once upon a time
whoisthephu (6:08:22 PM): there lived a man
litokaratigurl (6:08:28 PM): and then?
whoisthephu (6:08:28 PM): and this man
whoisthephu (6:08:32 PM): fell asleep
whoisthephu (6:08:34 PM): and had a dream
whoisthephu (6:08:39 PM): about this man
whoisthephu (6:08:43 PM): who had a dream about this boy
whoisthephu (6:08:49 PM): and this boy
whoisthephu (6:08:51 PM): was named bob
whoisthephu (6:08:57 PM): and he did not build things
whoisthephu (6:09:02 PM): because he was still in school
whoisthephu (6:09:06 PM): so one day
whoisthephu (6:09:15 PM): bob met this girl named joy
whoisthephu (6:09:29 PM): joy had long hair back then
whoisthephu (6:09:43 PM): then soon after
whoisthephu (6:09:45 PM): bob and joy
whoisthephu (6:09:47 PM): met peter pan
litokaratigurl (6:09:57 PM): and then?
whoisthephu (6:10:06 PM): and then
whoisthephu (6:10:11 PM): bob, joy, and peter pan
whoisthephu (6:10:14 PM): became best friends
whoisthephu (6:10:27 PM): they became the infamous trio of the world
whoisthephu (6:10:32 PM): and were feared by many
whoisthephu (6:11:01 PM): peter pan and bob would terrorize the lives of little children
whoisthephu (6:11:18 PM): but joy, the purest of the three, gave them candy and played with them
whoisthephu (6:11:38 PM): finally
whoisthephu (6:11:40 PM): a day came
whoisthephu (6:11:43 PM): where the trio had to be split
litokaratigurl (6:12:12 PM): OH NO
litokaratigurl (6:12:15 PM): what happened after that?
whoisthephu (6:12:50 PM): well
whoisthephu (6:12:51 PM): soon after that
whoisthephu (6:12:59 PM): bob and joy met again
whoisthephu (6:13:11 PM): and this time
whoisthephu (6:13:17 PM): they met a new gangster of the world
whoisthephu (6:13:21 PM): named bajajajajajajajaja
litokaratigurl (6:13:25 PM): whoaaa
litokaratigurl (6:13:29 PM): what a namee
whoisthephu (6:13:36 PM): anyone who missed a ja
whoisthephu (6:13:39 PM): or added an extra one
whoisthephu (6:13:43 PM): would take a rifle to the head
whoisthephu (6:13:46 PM): or a saber in the stomach
litokaratigurl (6:13:50 PM): whoaaaaa
whoisthephu (6:13:57 PM): she was the most evil of the three
litokaratigurl (6:14:30 PM): oh noo
whoisthephu (6:14:33 PM): as the days went on
whoisthephu (6:14:49 PM): a new evil showed itself in the form of the dictator of the class
whoisthephu (6:15:12 PM): his zealots called him
whoisthephu (6:15:16 PM): Comrade Devor
litokaratigurl (6:15:20 PM): GASPPPP
whoisthephu (6:15:25 PM): he was
whoisthephu (6:15:35 PM): too powerful for divya
whoisthephu (6:15:38 PM): too evil for bob
whoisthephu (6:15:44 PM): but he could not defeat joy
whoisthephu (6:16:13 PM): his glares and frowns could not even intimidate joy
litokaratigurl (6:16:17 PM): WHAT?!
litokaratigurl (6:16:19 PM): NO WAYYY
whoisthephu (6:16:20 PM): she did not know fear
litokaratigurl (6:16:34 PM): thats not possiblleee???!??@?@?@%
whoisthephu (6:17:19 PM): many thought it was impossible to defeat this evil dictator
whoisthephu (6:17:46 PM): but joy, standing alone, defeated all of his tests one by one
whoisthephu (6:17:51 PM): until one day
whoisthephu (6:17:53 PM): a rival appeared
whoisthephu (6:17:56 PM): who was named
whoisthephu (6:17:58 PM): drew of the mountains
litokaratigurl (6:18:07 PM): oh noess
litokaratigurl (6:18:10 PM): what happens?
whoisthephu (6:18:28 PM): joy and drew were both brave warriors who fought the dictator
whoisthephu (6:18:32 PM): but drew had a bad habit
whoisthephu (6:18:45 PM): sometimes he would arrive late to battles
whoisthephu (6:18:55 PM): and be silenced by devor’s glare
whoisthephu (6:19:23 PM): im running out of bs
whoisthephu (6:19:24 PM): XD
whoisthephu (6:19:26 PM): uhh
litokaratigurl (6:19:37 PM): hahah XD
litokaratigurl (6:19:59 PM): you can always go this man woke up from his dream
litokaratigurl (6:19:59 PM): XD
whoisthephu (6:20:11 PM): ooh
whoisthephu (6:20:16 PM): then
whoisthephu (6:20:24 PM): time passed
whoisthephu (6:20:32 PM): and as the new trio became older
whoisthephu (6:20:35 PM): it was once again
whoisthephu (6:20:38 PM): time for them to depart
litokaratigurl (6:20:45 PM): oh noes T_T
litokaratigurl (6:20:48 PM): and thenn>
litokaratigurl (6:20:51 PM): ?
whoisthephu (6:21:05 PM): then
whoisthephu (6:21:17 PM): as bob and joy said their final goodbyes
whoisthephu (6:21:21 PM): the man who was dreaming of the boy
whoisthephu (6:21:23 PM): woke up
whoisthephu (6:21:36 PM): which woke the man who was dreaming of the man who was dreaming of the boy up
whoisthephu (6:21:39 PM): and he was like
whoisthephu (6:21:40 PM): wtf mate
whoisthephu (6:21:41 PM): was that me?
whoisthephu (6:21:48 PM): and he went back to sleep

kaYtsekI (8:17:59 PM): so, a traveler. let’s name him K
kaYtsekI (8:18:17 PM): He was driving his car when it started to rain, hard
kaYtsekI (8:18:27 PM): and soon, it turned into a thunderstorm
kaYtsekI (8:18:43 PM): conviniently, there was an inn not far from the highway
kaYtsekI (8:18:53 PM): so he payed for a night’s stay
kaYtsekI (8:19:30 PM): in the middle of the night, K hears wailing and scratching sounds from the room next door
kaYtsekI (8:19:42 PM): HOWEVER, there is NO room next door
kaYtsekI (8:20:02 PM): a painting hangs on the place where a door is supposed to be
kaYtsekI (8:20:09 PM): K was curious
kaYtsekI (8:20:20 PM): so he asked the manager
kaYtsekI (8:20:31 PM): about it, but manager doesn’t know either
kaYtsekI (8:20:47 PM): so they decided to see what’s under the painting
kaYtsekI (8:20:51 PM): it was a sealed door
kaYtsekI (8:21:07 PM): (anyone listening?)
litokaratigurl (8:28:14 PM): yes
litokaratigurl (8:28:17 PM): i am XD
litokaratigurl (8:28:21 PM): keep going soryyyy
kaYtsekI (8:28:21 PM): after 10 min
kaYtsekI (8:28:23 PM): D:<
litokaratigurl (8:28:31 PM): SORRYYYY
kaYtsekI (8:28:33 PM): so they broke in.
kaYtsekI (8:28:37 PM): and SUDDENLY
kaYtsekI (8:28:41 PM): THERE WAS A GUSH OF WIND
kaYtsekI (8:28:51 PM): and accompanying it
kaYtsekI (8:28:57 PM): was a child’s laughter
kaYtsekI (8:29:00 PM): then, it was gone
kaYtsekI (8:29:08 PM): and when they looked into the dark room
kaYtsekI (8:29:10 PM): they saw….
kaYtsekI (8:29:44 PM): THE WALLS WERE COVERED WITH BLOODY SCRATCHES, and what’s even weirder
kaYtsekI (8:29:58 PM): the scratches only cover half of the wall
kaYtsekI (8:30:12 PM): it just stopped at a curtain height
kaYtsekI (8:30:29 PM): and at one corner, there was a curled-up skeleton of a child

klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:30 PM): one day
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:34 PM): there was this really cute girl name
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:39 PM): :]
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:40 PM): and
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:45 PM): she was walking around at school
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:50 PM): when her friend kristy
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:51 PM): went
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:53 PM): JOY BOY!!!!!!!!!!
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:56 PM): i MISSSSSSSSSSSSSSS you
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:57 PM): :[
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:16:58 PM): and
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:17:00 PM): they were both sad
klumzY fOr LYF3 (7:17:02 PM): the end :[

fnjshen (11:26:43 PM): this is a recording that will self destruct in 5 minutes
fnjshen (11:26:47 PM): oh, okay.
fnjshen (11:26:57 PM): once upon a time, there was a girl named Happy! 
fnjshen (11:27:02 PM): she really loved to go to church
fnjshen (11:27:10 PM): adn she didn’t care which church she went to
fnjshen (11:27:20 PM): so she decided to go to CGS on Sundays, and EpiCenter on Fridays
fnjshen (11:27:22 PM): she was so happy
fnjshen (11:27:30 PM): her life was filled with the love of Christ
fnjshen (11:27:42 PM): and she chose to Love and Follow Christ, where ever He went
fnjshen (11:27:45 PM): and that was that
fnjshen (11:28:00 PM): plus, it made her neighbor Franktastic, uber happy!
fnjshen (11:28:02 PM): the end!

NumAArkyteck (6:17:21 PM):Once upon a time, there was a mango, it was a happy mango until it
 got eating. The End.

NumAArkyteck (10:54:19 PM):Next
story, A man was walking down a hill when he came upon a
lepurcan. The
Lepurcan offered him some gold so the man accepted it. With the gold
coin, the man went
to the market and bought a mango. And then he ate
it. The end.

BobaCookies (7:54:24 PM): one day
litokaratigurl (7:54:25 PM): why dont  you tell me a story?
BobaCookies (7:54:27 PM): there was a boy named moses
BobaCookies (7:54:32 PM): he was a dancer
BobaCookies (7:54:37 PM): and he plays the violin
BobaCookies (7:54:42 PM): but suddenly
BobaCookies (7:54:45 PM): his violin blew up!
BobaCookies (7:54:47 PM): OH NOEZ
BobaCookies (7:54:57 PM): xDDDDDD
BobaCookies (7:55:18 PM): Kablloooie
BobaCookies (7:55:23 PM): Then Moses Died
litokaratigurl (7:55:24 PM): AHAH XDD
BobaCookies (7:55:25 PM): The End

HAHA fun stuff 😀
good job josh

new song


called kiss goodbye by josh wen XD
jkingg its wang lee hom

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