look at me
tae yang
big bang

new song πŸ˜€

last wednesday…wassss
oro? what was it XD
uhh…something happened? i dont know anymore XDDD
uh…volunteer was pretty good XD
oh yea i broke the new to emily that i was going to hc XD
she got all excited and stuff XD
it was so funny XDD

i guess school is okay everday XD
i dont quite remember what happened this day either XD
hmm…something must have happened…

was a good day like always πŸ˜€
nick came over πŸ˜€
played around
church πŸ˜€
justice mission videos
XD it was a tie between caleb and i for president
until someone changed their vote…
and thus president is…..
me… XD
calebs secretary
yay greg got what he wanted XD
fun stuff

9 15 ish woke up to give caleb money for pictures he didnt want to buy
watched cartoons till 10 10 then walked to wait for jessica
walked to 99 to get breakfast πŸ˜€
meet henry at JJ XD
testing henry was funn XDDD
left for home
1 45 school for orch 2 pics
stayed untill like 3 so take buddy pix for chris…XD
shopping with sandy pauline bob for hc….
not a fun experience…
well it was XD
macy’s and jcpenny
in case you guys want to know…its black
dinner at johnny rockets
wandering around
sandy wouldnt let me walk home…..

haha this is our youth leader, Henry Yeung
UCSB retreatt

taught sundayschool with a sore throat
lunch :DD favorite time of the dayy
violin choir
praise team practice
home to show christine my dress…
sent caleb to hollys house XD
carls for snak XD
jessica’s house for treeehouse
but christine and i slept instead XD
cgs for church but found out they were doing …classes instead…forgot the name…it’ll come..
bak to christines house planned on going to jin sushi…
joy got fever…so went home

school…wasnt good…
i felt like shishido….heat within my body…
but i dont get to unleash it T_T
the only time i felt good was outside walking to my classes…..

Henry again XDD
after watching indiana 4
then dinner with lena jesus shirley πŸ˜€

school was better
but still felt like shishido
in orchestra it was violins and violas πŸ˜€
yay we got tto play :DD
after school dress shopping wtih amy and celelia πŸ˜€
so funnnn west covina mall was nice πŸ˜€
nap? hw

found this one day in the youth room XD

school was better πŸ˜€
realized i have a calc test thursday T_T
japanese arndt sensei wouldnt take my hw.. T_T
orch was boring cause we didnt play T_T
so i decided to go to the bathroom
take some of my shishido heat out
lunch was fun πŸ˜€ DI meeting :DDD
but theres conflicts on jeff/caleb/patrick/ray team….
eng was fun πŸ˜€
TA was fun πŸ˜€
/rurouni kenshin πŸ˜€ im so happy cause its helps me escape πŸ˜€

morning calc test
japanese was fine…quiz today XD
fysics was okay…
orch was boring again but i know what to draw this time πŸ˜€
lunch was fun jpop revolution club XD
eng was fun jasper and sam’s stories were sad T_T
ta was fun i finished quick and took a nap πŸ˜€
πŸ˜€ epi 65 next yayyyy
homework/help friends
time to sleeepppp

i guess i have to upload them someday… XD

you figure it out


right now there are only two things on my mind….
1] why …why
whyy….im being so selfish…this was a dream come true i have to admit, but
its bouncin bak and forth from dream to nightmare…im really not sure what to
like how im there if you need me and gone if you dont
i know im
jealous…..and i try not to be cause i know ur probably not happy with me…ur
happiness comes from someone else, it never came from me inthe first place…so
i figured i have to go through this…theres no backing out now…and
i hope everything settles after.
2] oh goodness why are there so much
complications within something so simpleeeee you guys, this can be easy if you
guys make it easy. get out of ur comfort zone and make new friends. let yourself
out!! thats waht its about anyways. unleash ur ulitmate power or else its not
going to work out for your team in and out….i loved itt he way it was last
year, but i know its not going to work out for the rest of you, and im just
being selfish….thats why so much thought is going into this…but you guys
have to help me…please…i want everyone to be happy…
and all my friends,
im sorryy, i’ll make this the best for our last cause i want to make this a good
experience for you guys

T_T so much stuffffffffffff
this is all im going to think about during school T_T


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