all time “favor” song πŸ˜€


whens the last time i blogged? *checks*
mmm tuesdayy <33

michelle comes at 1pm and we play around, get directions
oliver comes around 2pm and we’re off !!
hhahaa oliver starts road raging because of the trafficcc XD
but its all good
pik up benson and head to idyllwildd
find caleb and nick and “mr lai” haha XDD
filmed and chatted with others
headed down home
get gas near bensons place XD
olivers house to play with kittyyy
sg at churchh
dinner at garden
send people home
write my songg
oovoo with kristeeennn XD
slept at 7 45 am of THURSDAYYY

look what happens XD
i was writing my song but kristeen distracted me

hahah XDDD
mmmm woke up aruond 12pm
school at 1 with johnny to get my principals recognition award…
stupid silah and algebra ii Honors T_T
i didnt get a sticker for first semester of soph year because of that D
kristy’s house for uno and mahjonggg
bed bath and beyond for their dorm shoppings
toys r us  and party city XD
home at 6 30 cause i had to
the world ends with youu
i probably played games till like 2/3/4am
and then sleeeepp XD

mmmm wake up
gtl with oliverrr
taught kids that when they are afraid taht they can talk to GOD
picked up gracee and angela for
which was kinda  a phail XD
we just ate within the plaza
church to finish up dinnerr
PRAISE and PRAYER night πŸ˜€
was so tripped outttttt
had the BESTT time playing
lalalal tapex and the hat

woke up to make arrangements for michelley and gracee
greeen tea frapp and cake XD
bin bin
church to play with children πŸ˜€
here i am

how are my songs?
yuk huh?

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