what was

the last wedding you attended?

when was it? it think it was around third quarter..sometime then. it was about 1/2pm and jessica calls and says that
they’re outside my house – here to pick me up to go to the church.whose wedding is it? it was someone who treated my
like a little sister. she had watched me grow up and now its my turn to watch an important chapter in her life. The new
Mrs. Christina Ching Zhang

she was almost ready. while she was straightening out her true white dress, he walked up to her. in his hands were the
perfect pair of shoes – the exact same color as her dress like they were a made for each other. she put on the shoes he
had handed to her. she was complete: a masterpiece. together, they walked to the stands where all the contestants and
their people were to sit. there were a lot; all were beautiful and confident but she wasn’t sure of herself. as they sat
down, she looked at him. his glance gave her the utmost peace. his warm eyes gave her the confidence. Her name was
called. She got up and began walked down the red carpet. her shoulder scarf caught onto her chair, not wanting to let
her go. without stopping her, he slipped it off her shoulders and she continued like nothing happened. photographers all
around were drawn to the pure elegance and cameras flashed endlessly. as if the other girls were jealous, one by one
they because to rise and walk down the red carpet as well. the cameras remained on her. only her.
short white dress

is this all i’ve been searching for?

我在追尋甚麽東西?原來不過都只是空氣。so is this all i’ve been waiting for?

alright i’m going to see how far this goes into the night..
i think i’m still kinda jetlagged cause i cant sleep at night
but i can wake up fine..
eating habits arent back either -_-

yea i really should have done this everyday..
but here goes
sunday july 17th..
woke up
ate breakfast/lunch
i’m not sure if we really did anything this day..
probably went to da lun fa? maybe not
but it was a pretty normal day
watched tv in the living room while trying to avoid being bitten by the mosquitoes
and then turning it off to go upstairs to our room because its hot and i’m going to get bitten
we planned on visiting dad so we started contacting christin
dinner somewhere in here
more tv
美樂加油!:D so kyute
shower sleep

monday july 18th
wake up kinda early
went to the bus station to try to get seats on a bus to taipei
but we couldnt cause there was no more
so we got seats for the next one
went to 7 to get a simcard!
after that called andrew to see if he could print out some identification so that we could go see dad
bus to taipei was like 1.5 hours from our area
got to taipei and then transfered to MRT to 淡水 to go find andrew and christin
we met up with andrew first cause christin had to wait for the a/c guy to come and fix
we walked through a street and walked to a 混沌 play that Jay Chou eats at sometimes
and i ordered jja jyang myun XD
christin comes in the middle of our meal and andrew and christin trade off
after that they send us back to the MRT so we can go see dad
we ride to taipei main station and then transfer to another line
on that line, we get off..but then learn that we got off on the wrong stop
so we call my aunt and find the right one
when we get to the little station that has buses that take you up the mountain to see dad, the last van going up has already returned..
so we ask the guy to take us up
please please please
and he does but he says that we only have like 5 mins
so after the ride up the mountain, we run
visit dad, 阿媽,公公
and then we make it bak to the bus to take us back down
after all that running, we get hungry so we eat at mcDs and then go back to taipei main station to meet up with MACs
we change mom’s bus time and our bus times and then head off to 西門町
look around
dude the place is nicee shops everywhere..christin said a lot of ABCs go to 西門町 XD
after that we go back to taipei main station to eat dinnerrrr
for the longest time christin couldnt find the place to eat -_- but we found it later XD
went to silingyeshi to browse
we played the bbgun game and got a crocodile toy
after that we browsed some more and then bought mushrooms 😀 to eat
walked bak to MRT to go back to christin’s house
went to their house which is really nice 😀
watched vids on christin’s mac
and then went downstairs to watch scott pilgrim
christin got tired in the middle so she went to sleep
finished movie around 2am
shower sleepp

tuesday july 19th
woke up around 1150am
christin wanted to take us to a taiwanese breakfast place but they close at 1130 -_-
so christin made us 蛋餅 and we ate
and then left for the bus station
rode all the way home BY OURSELVES!
mom picked us up at the bus station
went home
ate dinnerr
chillled around until we had to send mom to the airport
tooka long trip there kinda got lost at the airport
came back

wednesday july 20th
nothin all day

thursday july 21st
i restrung the electric guitar cause chris broke the string while playing XD
and then practiced
and then went downstairs to play in the courtyard
i think thats the only exciting thing i did…
and it was either thursday or wednesday i did this..not sure when

friday july 22nd
mm woke up
got ready to go to taipei again
we ate breakfast at this small shop near the bus stop
rode the bus to taipei again and then rode the MRT
and then walked to my cousins house
went to the circle mall, whose name i still dont remember to eat lunch
we ate tappenyaki i think its called…
and then wandered around and realized that the mall doesnt have stuff thats my style
so we went to another mall with my style but a lot of it was so 貴 😦
but it was so kooolll
if i had more money, i would have bought a few things
after this, we went to merange cafe to eat two GIANT waffles and each of us had our own drinks
i got 冰淇淋紅茶 and our waffles were strawberrys and the other was redbean greentea icecream
after that my aunt and cousin left, and my other aunt and caleb and i went to NET to browse but didnt buy -_-
so stupid
cause we went to the NET in 西門町 right after and they didnt have the stuff that caleb wanted from taipei XD
we bought other stufff
after we looked around 西門町 again and i bought pants
finally went home around 8pm? i dont remember

saturday july 23rd
woke up
ate breakfast 😀 i love the food 阿婆 makes
always organic and delicious 😀
packed for 花蓮
the train left at 250pm
and we got there at 705pm
4.5 hour train ride we got hungry in the middle
and ate the 乖乖
at the 3/4ths mark we got hungry again…but we had no more food
so we waited it out until we got there
姑姑 故障picked us up in their mitsubishi colt~ so kyutee
and we ate a home cooked meal 😀
i charged my speaker
chilled for a bit

and then you guys will have to wait till tomorrow or so to find out about my week in 花蓮! 😀
pictures will go up sometime soon XD