
i miss the sound of a japanese band
what a great feel
whatthebiabiabiabia i miss this
i guess i have to learn how to play better huh? -_-
A BAND !! the feel of A BAND !!

so what happened today?
class at 1240 for physics 40c
and then went home and knocked out on the couch until 330pm
lunner with lillian and ashley at innout
hamburger and animalstyle fries and shake which was kinda sweet
and then we went to the mall to walk it off
we went to the petstore!
and all the doggies wanted to lick our hands
cause it smelled like hamburger! πŸ˜€
“mm yes smell my hamburger!”~
after that we just walked around
and then got home at 6
waited till 710
walked with kathryn to cornerstone church for aacf
i saw hoolly and her friends – calebs friends
we went through an introduction of aacf and more worship
thats it for that
after that lillian picked me up to go home
worked on chem homework which doesnt make sense
it made a little..but not totally…
bought my books
watched more japanese bands~
and now its past 12 and i was supposed to be asleep by now -_-

proverbs 2
Then you will understand what is right and just
and fair—every good path.
10 For wisdom will enter your heart,
and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
11 Discretion will protect you,
and understanding will guard you.

Bad news: sugarcoated? or straight-up?
straight up. dont mess like that. cause if its sugarcoated, there is a chance of misunderstanding.

honki da

paul reminded me to read proverbs 2 today XD

1 My son, if you accept my words
and store up my commands within you,
2 turning your ear to wisdom
and applying your heart to understandingβ€”
3 indeed, if you call out for insight
and cry aloud for understanding,
4 and if you look for it as for silver
and search for it as for hidden treasure,
5 then you will understand the fear of the LORD
and find the knowledge of God.
6 For the LORD gives wisdom;
from his mouth come knowledge and understanding.
7 He holds success in store for the upright,
he is a shield to those whose walk is blameless,
8 for he guards the course of the just
and protects the way of his faithful ones.
9 Then you will understand what is right and just
and fairβ€”every good path.
10 For wisdom will enter your heart,
and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul.
11 Discretion will protect you,
and understanding will guard you.
12 Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men,
from men whose words are perverse,
13 who have left the straight paths
to walk in dark ways,
14 who delight in doing wrong
and rejoice in the perverseness of evil,
15 whose paths are crooked
and who are devious in their ways.
16 Wisdom will save you also from the adulterous woman,
from the wayward woman with her seductive words,
17 who has left the partner of her youth
and ignored the covenant she made before God.[a]
18 Surely her house leads down to death
and her paths to the spirits of the dead.
19 None who go to her return
or attain the paths of life.
20 Thus you will walk in the ways of the good
and keep to the paths of the righteous.
21 For the upright will live in the land,
and the blameless will remain in it;
22 but the wicked will be cut off from the land,
and the unfaithful will be torn from it.

sheh family isnt coming to paul’s wedding 😦
i dont get to see biabia and PETERSHEH and nice momanddad
BUT monday when i was sitting on the bench eating my εŒ…ε­, i saw a guy who looked just like PETERSHEH
style and everything
but there is no way it could be him
there was a guy at the ICA meeting who kinda looked like biabia too XD
only the back of his head looked like him

wah so long
taemin’s hair is blondish and so is key’s :O

today was pretty fun
9am chem class
10am bio class
i sat at the same bench as i did on monday and found ashley again
we ate jujubes and then talked for a while
i went to class with lillian
and then decided for the hour after that, i would go to the campus store to check out books
went and found ashley at the tasa booth..which was a shared table
and so her friend had to advertise for the other club as well as their own
it was hot
so we went to the campus store
bio book is 190 -_-
online it is
after that we waited for lillian to get out of class
and then went to ashley’s place which is really nice. i wish i lived there
theres enough room to lay on the floor and knockout
not fair
after that lillian and i went home to bake cookies
two of them came out near perfection but they were undone
so my tummy felt funny
after that we went to busy cafe for dinner
talked and had fun πŸ˜€
and then ICA general meeting
so much chinese in one night
the most i’ve ever heard in riverside! haha
it was good stufff..they have lots of house parties it seems XD
but emily is treasurer YAY! i has a friend
after that we went home
computered tilll i’m here

i hvae to order books for caleb

yesterday’s question: Do you handle rejection well?
the only time i’ve ever been rejected was college admissions. it was alright knowing that other admission letters hadn’t
come out yet. but when the last one came with the no, then it was pretty hard. but after crying a river and totally
lifting it up to God, i felt stress free. like the situation was totally in control – God’s control. πŸ™‚

today: How hungry are you right now?
I am not hungry at all right now..which is strange because i’m usually always hungry. maybe it was the fact that i ate a
weird cookie and didnt really eat dinner. actually i might be feeling hungry right now xD cause i didnt eat dinner. but i
will save eating for tomorrow.



today was a long day
but its finally about to end!

i woke up around 745 to get ready
man brushing teeth and washing my face acctually takes time
but i had more than enough time for breakfast
walked to class today which seemed like it took forever
i arrived in my class and saw a note posted outside about room changes
but i wasnt sure if it was forreal
so i sat in the class
and the teacher for another class walks in and says that we’re here early
and i realized i was in the wrong class
thanks teacher for not telling us ahead of time
so i took 3 mins to walk to my new classroom
and class went well
i paid attention the whole way
after that i went to bio class
which went well as well.. XD hahah well as well
after that i walked to the hub area
and walked through mud and i got my shoes dirty
so i ate my lunch which was a εŒ…ε­ and then cleaned my shoes…
so now it kinda looks faded -_-
after that i went to my bio discussion
which was only half an hour πŸ˜€
and then sat outside listening to beast’s fiction because it was stuck in my head..thanks josh
went to bio lab and all we did was familiarize ourselves with a microscope….
i thought we were going to actually do a lab today -_-
oh well
got out at 230 instead of 4pm! YAY
and then went to the rivera library for the first time since i’ve been at UCR
and finished the bio lab for this week
after that i went to the hub and took a nap until 430
5pm i walked home with lillian
came home and ate a snacks and watched 21
which was pretty goood
the korean guy, choi, was funnyy
“unatteneded maid cart, 9th floor! i have been busy this morning. :)” haha
he likes stealing free stuff
in the middle of that, we made dinnner and set the fire alarm off
but luckily, we realized it early enough and opened the door and window and turned on the fan
and it turned off
so we didnt get in trouble
an RA, not on his shift but lived in front of us, came to check up on us just to make sure nothing really happened
ate dinner and finished the movie
and then a little more tv
computered to look for textbooks i need as well as calebs
and then watched ouran hs host club
and now here i am

i’ve always wanted to eat this icecream
the really really tall one
but when i had the chance..i had already eaten too much that if i got it, it would have melted in my hand cause i
wouldnt have been able to finish it :/
blog taiwanadsfasdf
i’m really in the mood for icecream right about.. NOW!

Today was amusing because ____________________
1. i went to the library and was actually studious and did not wander around scouting the place out like i intended to
2. 21
3. the fire alarm incident. we were able to air the place out before the whole building’s alarm went off. YAY!
4. i guess this is my real answer: i had another dream about shinee again but i only remember taemin. the rest of
them were there too. it was real cool we were just hanging out like normal friends. wouldnt that be great? to be real
tight friend with someone so famous.

reminder! i have to buy calebs books tomorrow
physics homework due friday 11pm
chem homework due friday morning
DO BIO HOMEWORK even though its not mandatory

today i learned..

..more like discovered two things
1. MY FRIEND GRACE IS AT UCLA!!!! yayy good for her
but bad for all of us cause now i lost a friend to talk to at schoolll
i miss you grace! come back and take classes with me even though you didnt have to take then and i had to study hard for them

2. there is another Joy Kuo at UCR
and shes a lot prettier than i am πŸ˜€
i feel good cause my twin is a lot prettier than me πŸ˜€
which means i can be the weird one to balance it out!

today i woke up at 8am cause i heard the sound of SVU …lillian……-_-
watched until like 10ish and then switched to E! for a thing on selena gomez
she is AMAZING!
after that go ready
and went to class
class today was alright
it was like any other class
BUT i have a new pencil box!
i paid attention in all of class today
except for 10 minutes
which got me lost for the 10 minutes following that..
ohwell πŸ™‚
after i can back we dealed with the parking permit
and then watched tv for a while
went to see if borders was still there…by the way it is not sad face
and then after we went to target !
yayy the first time we didnt spend $30
we spent $20 !~
after we went to a really cool life art building
it had all the nicks and nacks of an oldschool looking english building
nice! it was beautiful!
after we went home
made dinner! which was fried peaches chickennoodlesoupextranoodles and veggies
watched more tv
and now im here XD
have fun with that
the chinese one is the best!
ζ½˜η‘‹ζŸ all the way!

so i havent been on here for a long while XD
since i came back from taiwan? haha its been two months then XD
i just moved back into my apartment today
and the bed is stilll messy
but everything else is in order XD

these past few weeks have been entertaining

the guy above us is playing some sort of music
it sounds like battle music for a boss battle or something XD
i think its always the same guy playing “music” ..whatever it is

last week i read a book to the kids that go to my mom’s school
they were really into the book even though my props were really lame..
and everytime i said a letter, they would repeat after me. πŸ˜€ so kyute

what else? i learned how to play mahjong taiwan and hong kong style πŸ˜€
intense practice for a whole week at night with michelle and josh
sometimes with or without caleb hahah
and after that intense week, we took the mahjong up for a nature scene
and played at the retreat XD
so fun
but i learned that i have a curse..
the person who plays in front of me usually wins..
and i’ll throw them the winning piece.. :/

factoring for michelle gong
