so i havent been on here for a long while XD
since i came back from taiwan? haha its been two months then XD
i just moved back into my apartment today
and the bed is stilll messy
but everything else is in order XD

these past few weeks have been entertaining

the guy above us is playing some sort of music
it sounds like battle music for a boss battle or something XD
i think its always the same guy playing “music” ..whatever it is

last week i read a book to the kids that go to my mom’s school
they were really into the book even though my props were really lame..
and everytime i said a letter, they would repeat after me. πŸ˜€ so kyute

what else? i learned how to play mahjong taiwan and hong kong style πŸ˜€
intense practice for a whole week at night with michelle and josh
sometimes with or without caleb hahah
and after that intense week, we took the mahjong up for a nature scene
and played at the retreat XD
so fun
but i learned that i have a curse..
the person who plays in front of me usually wins..
and i’ll throw them the winning piece.. :/

factoring for michelle gong


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