today i learned..

..more like discovered two things
1. MY FRIEND GRACE IS AT UCLA!!!! yayy good for her
but bad for all of us cause now i lost a friend to talk to at schoolll
i miss you grace! come back and take classes with me even though you didnt have to take then and i had to study hard for them

2. there is another Joy Kuo at UCR
and shes a lot prettier than i am 😀
i feel good cause my twin is a lot prettier than me 😀
which means i can be the weird one to balance it out!

today i woke up at 8am cause i heard the sound of SVU …lillian……-_-
watched until like 10ish and then switched to E! for a thing on selena gomez
she is AMAZING!
after that go ready
and went to class
class today was alright
it was like any other class
BUT i have a new pencil box!
i paid attention in all of class today
except for 10 minutes
which got me lost for the 10 minutes following that..
ohwell 🙂
after i can back we dealed with the parking permit
and then watched tv for a while
went to see if borders was still there…by the way it is not sad face
and then after we went to target !
yayy the first time we didnt spend $30
we spent $20 !~
after we went to a really cool life art building
it had all the nicks and nacks of an oldschool looking english building
nice! it was beautiful!
after we went home
made dinner! which was fried peaches chickennoodlesoupextranoodles and veggies
watched more tv
and now im here XD
have fun with that
the chinese one is the best!
潘瑋柏 all the way!

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