EVERYONE put your

HANDS UP and get your DRINKS UP

QnA: What do you crave?
well, foodwise, its usually tea-related OR shaved ice because i dont get enough of both to be tired of it. i cant really
think of anything else i would crave. im pretty satisfied with everything else.
AH! more of God’s word.

lets see what happened today?
woke up around 1040?
got ready
picked up nick
tina got a new haircut and she said its by a guy in hollywood who does good asian hair styles XD
maybe some i’ll go there!
caleb approved of her hair 🙂
went back to pick up caleb
mom and caleb left for alpha
i stayed home with josh and cal
dropped off a movie at efcla
mom made me eat the read bean dessert
went home
edward came over to talk to josh about financial stuff that i should start understanding now but dont want to
fixed josh’s shirt and then played ds until he was finished talking to ed
and then ate a bit of dinner
cut the bottom half of the tailered part of josh’s shirt off, cleaned up
left for riverside
here i am
we watched halloween wars
now im back at the computer
fun day eh?

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